Sunday, December 25, 2005

Mother and Daughter....

There is no relationship like a mother and daughter. You love, you fight, you cry, you bargain, you barter, you laugh, and you start all over again. Sometimes, something happens that just grabs your heart and won't let go and you have to write about it.

When my daughter was little I bought her a bell to hang on the tree every year. Well she is 25 now and she gave me a bell for Christmas...When I opened it we looked at eachother and no words were even needed..a few tears were shed and we both knew there was a connection from long ago with the wide eyed grin of a little girl and a young mom when it was just us against the world...

Friday, December 02, 2005

What has happened to Dating?

I don't mean hooking up or hanging out or getting together. I mean dating! I know so many people who are perfectly content to sit at home and be alone. They say that dating is too hard, you get hurt why bother?